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WNY Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Collaborative

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an invasive insect that is increasing in abundance throughout Western New York. As one of our only native coniferous tree species, hemlock is essential for providing habitat for insects and animals but also for preventing erosion along the streams where it commonly grows. Unfortunately, Eastern Hemlocks do not have any natural resistance to this rapidly spreading pest. Infestation by Hemlock Woolly Adelgid can result in tree decline and death within a few years. 


Trees displaying early signs of infestation can be saved through treatment. The Land Conservancy recently received a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant to form an alliance with local partner organizations to monitor for and treat newly detected HWA infestations at properties throughout Western New York, and we are thrilled to do our part in preventing the spread.

Although you're more likely to spot HWA in the winter, when branches are covered in snow, it's good to know the signs. You too can help prevent the spread of HWA. To learn more we encourage you to visit the New York State DEC's Hemlock Woolly Adelgid page on its website.

What We are Doing in WNY

Between Spring 2024 and Spring 2027, we will: 


  • Survey over 4,600 acres in the Great Lakes region of WNY.

  • Strategically treat over 2,750 hemlock trees to protect them from this invasive pest (about 100 acres of municipal/private land).

  • Educate our community about hemlock woolly adelgid, and what can be done about it.            



As a Landowner, How Can I Protect My Forest?

​​The New York State Hemlock Initiative has a great webpage for landowners with lots of information about how to assess your property and treat it if applicable. 


If you have a large population of hemlocks on your property, or if hemlocks are a dominant species along a stream corridor on your property, consider reaching out to us at (write "HWA survey" in the subject line). We have limited funding to survey for and treat HWA on municipal and private lands. 


How You Can Help


I love Western New York’s forests. How can I help?


  • Prevent the spread of HWA.

  • Community Science! Check out the New York State Hemlock Initiative resources such as the Hemlock Hunters guide to learn more about how to identify and report HWA.

  • Get involved in HWA surveying events. 

  • Still curious? Learn more about Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, and efforts to protect our forests from this invasive pest.​



Other Resources





HWA Collaborative Partners:

Erie County, Cornell Cooperative Extension (Erie County), NYS Hemlock Initiative, WNY PRISM, LEWPA, Crane Ridge Homeowners Association, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.​


The Western New York Land Conservancy is an accredited regional not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 land trust that works with landowners, municipalities, and other organizations to help them conserve their most cherished natural areas and working farms. 




P.O. Box 471

East Aurora, NY 14052


For media inquiries, contact


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